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"We're going on a journey, my boy!"


A Sequence from my self written, directed, and edited short film, "The Last Man"

Pythian Avenger


A Self Produced Music Video/Trailer for episodic project in development "Goat Song".

The Last Man

Written, Directed, and Edited by Max Pescherine (2017-2018)

The Legend of the Merry Minstrels (Abridged)


A shortened version of a concept piece I made in college.



'Goat Song': Teaser

Written, Directed, and Edited by Max Pescherine (2018), Short film coming soon...

The Legend of the Merry Minstrels (Extended Edition)

Written, Directed, and Edited by Max Pescherine (2016)

A Real Knee-Slapper

Co-Written, Directed, and Co-Edited by Max Pescherine (2013)

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